Sport Psychology

Sport psychology uses mental skills training and techniques to teach athletes and/or teams how to monitor and control mental and physical states to optimize athletic performance. We provide interventions and assistance in managing difficult behavior and/or insight into barriers athletes and coaches may be experiencing.

Don’t just be … become

Common Psychology Topics

  • Resilience 

  • Concentration/Focus Control

  • Motivation 

  • Confidence 

  • Performance Anxiety 

  • Energy Management 

  • Goal Setting 

  • Imagery/Visualization

  • Performing Under Pressure

  • Coping with Injury

  • Pre-Performance Routines

  • Self-Talk 

  • Stress Management

  • Team Building 

  • Transitions  

  • Team Roles/Culture

  • Leadership 

  • Mindfulness Meditation Training


1 Hour Session


1 Hour Session


30–45 Minute Session


Meet Noah

Noah is an industry-leading sport and performance psychology clinician and member of the Association for Applied Sport Psychology (AASP). Noah has a long history helping athletes and performers of all ages across many settings ranging from youth club organizations to professional athletes and teams. Noah currently serves as the Director of Sport Psychology at Oakland University, a Division 1 NCAA program, and runs our private practice that serves our community members through both individual/team sessions and camps right here in our facility.